Monday, September 30, 2019

Investment Behaviour of Women Essay

Abstract Through an analysis of recent reforms in three policy areas in Chile—pensions, childcare services, and maternity/parental leave—the paper seeks to explore how equity-oriented reforms deal with the triple legacy of maternalism, male-breadwinner bias, and market reform. Recent studies of â€Å"new† social policies in Latin America have underlined the persistent strength of maternalist assumptions. Feminist research on new cash transfer programs, in particular, has tended to see more continuity than change in the gendered underpinnings of social policy. This paper suggests that once we broaden our ï ¬ eld of vision to include other social programs and reforms, the ways in which contemporary social policy (re)deï ¬ nes women’s productive and reproductive roles, social rights, and obligations are more complex and contradictory. Indeed, while some policies take unpaid care by women for granted, others point to an increasing awareness of inequalities   Staa b that shape women’s and men’s differential access to market income and public social beneï ¬ ts. Over the last decade, there has been a veritable explosion of scholarship on Latin American social policy. In part this reï ¬â€šects the fact that—after decades of neglect—Latin American states have rediscovered social policy and scaled up their efforts to address the social fallout of liberalization. Indeed, while â€Å"Washington Consensus† reforms were mainly driven by the desire to cut costs and reduce the scope of the state, the late 1990s and 2000s have seen more coordinated state interventions to reduce poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. While not returning to post-war social protection schemes, countries in the region are experimenting with policies that break with the neoliberal notion of minimal safety nets (Barrientos et al. 2008; Molyneux 2008; Cortes 2009).  ´ What does this â€Å"return of the state† mean for women’s social rights and welfare? It has been argued that in contrast to the gender blindness of neoliberal reforms, â€Å"new† social policies have been gender conscious (Bedford 2007). However, relatively little systematic research has been carried out on the gender dynamics of this new social agenda (Macdonald and Ruckert 2009). The existing literature seems to suggest that there is far more continuity than change in the gendered underpinnings of â€Å"new† social protection programs. Feminist research on conditional cash transfers (CCTs)—a key innovation associated with Post-Washington Consensus social policy in the region—has tended to stress the persistence of maternalism (e.g., Molyneux 2007; Bradshaw 2008; Tabbush 2009), a set of ideas and practices with a long and ambiguous history in the region. Yet there is more to Post-Washington Consensus social policy than CCTs. Several Latin American countries are experimenting with other care-related policies alongside cash transfer schemes— including the introduction of full-day schooling, the expansion of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, maternity/ parental leave reforms, and in recent pension reforms, the introduction of child-rearing credits. While some of these programs take the unpaid care by women for granted , others point to an increasing awareness of gender inequalities that shape women’s and men’s differential access to labor market income and public social beneï ¬ ts. That these initiatives have received little scholarly attention leaves the impression that Latin American social policy is stuck on a maternalist track, when national and regional trends are likely to be more varied and complex. Against this broader backdrop, the main aim of the paper  is to provide a better understanding of the complex and contradictory  ways in which women’s productive and reproductive roles, social rights, and obligations are constructed and (re)deï ¬ ned in the context of recent equity-oriented reforms. I argue for a two-tiered approach. First, I propose to move beyond single policy analysis towards a more systemic view that takes into account and compares developments across sectors. Second, I aim to assess these reforms according to the ways in which they have dealt with three key legacies: marketization, maternalism, and male-breadwinner bias. I apply this approach to the recent reforms in Chilean social policy, a particularly intriguing case. First, Chile is often cited as the Latin American country where neoliberal principles have been most comprehensively applied. Its 1980s social sector reforms–particularly in pensions and health–have long been promoted by international ï ¬ nancial institutions as a model for other countries to emulate (Taylor 2003; Orenstein 2005). Recent innovations in Chile’s social policy regime thus merit close attention. Second, Chile combines market liberalism with strong social conservatism, particularly with regards to gender roles. We would expect these two legacies to create mounting tensions and contradictions –for example over whether mothers should be at home (maternalism) or in the market (liberalism)–that social and employment policies have to navigate. I have chosen to focus on the recent reforms in pension, ECEC, and parental leave policies, issues which have been high up the public agenda in Chile and elsewhere. This is reï ¬â€šective of both broader global discourses spearheaded by international organizations such as the World Bank and the OECD, as well as a regional trend to revising social protection frameworks with an emphasis on increasing the coverage of hitherto excluded groups.1 The selection thus consciously combines two more traditional policy areas associated with social protection/consumption (pensions and maternity leave), with an emerging area geared towards social investment (ECEC). While the former were directly undermined by structural adjustment and deliberately restructured following the advice of international ï ¬ nancial institutions (Orenstein 2005; Brooks 2009), the latter have acquired prominence over the past decades as a means of reducing poverty by facilitating women’s labor force participation and as a cost-efï ¬ cient tool to promote human capital development by investing in early childhood development. These ideas form part of an emerging global paradigm (Jenson and Saint-Martin 2003; Jenson 2010; Mahon 2010) and seem to have ï ¬ ltered down to the national level with several Latin American countries experimenting with childcare-related reforms.2 The combinat ion of protection and promotion implicit in this selection is also highly relevant from a gender perspective. While childcare services and parental leaves can facilitate women’s engagement in paid employment, pension systems can be designed in ways that translate labor market inequalities into unequal entitlements in old age. They thus represent two sides of the same problem, namely the extent to which the gender division of labor affects women’s and men’s differential access to income and social security. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section brieï ¬â€šy illustrates the rationale for choosing marketization, maternalism, and male-breadwinner bias as key dimensions for assessing continuity and change. It takes a historical and  regional perspective to show how they became embedded in Latin American systems of social provision. The second half of the paper then provides a detailed analysis of recent reforms in Chilean pension, childcare, and maternity leave policies. The ï ¬ nal section draws out some comparative conclusions about the extent to which the recent reforms have dealt with the key legacies of marketization, maternalism, and male-breadwinner bias. Maternalism, Male-Breadwinner Bias, and Market Reform  Trajectories of welfare state formation and change in Latin America are in many ways different from those of advanced economies in Europe or North America that have formed the basis for theory building. The most important difference is probably the dynamism and radicalism with which development strategies have been recast over the last century (Sheahan 2002, 4). Thus, many countries moved from state-led import-substituting industrialization (ISI) in the post-war period to the rather radical application of neoliberal prescriptions following the recessions and debt crises of the late 1970s and early 1980s. These transitions left distinct legacies in systems of social provision. From the often incomplete formation of welfare institutions in the post-war era, governments in the region turned to retrenchment, deregulation, and privatization. Redistributive and universalist aspirations—however exclusionary or stratifying these had been in practice (Filgueira and Filgueira 2002)—were buried with the shift to market-led development and the region moved closer towards liberal-informal welfare regimes (Barrientos 2004). As the state was scaled back, reforms empowered business interests which became directly involved in education, health, and pension systems.3 Gender roles and norms as well as pervasive gender inequalities across states, markets, and households mediate women’s and men’s exposure to social risks as well as their speciï ¬ c need for social protection and services. Women face particular challenges due to  motherhood and other caring responsibilities that societies largely assign to them (Lewis 1992; O’Connor 1993; Orloff 1993). Yet, these risks and responsibilities have rarely been taken into account in the design of social policies. Thus, Bismarck-style social insurance systems, such as those founded across Latin American countries in the post-war period, had an inherent male-breadwinner bias.4 Women, in turn, tended to access social beneï ¬ ts as wives of a male breadwinner or as mothers whose maternal functions had to be safeguarded and protected (Gimenez 2005). Motherhood became the  ´ very basis on which women staked their claims to citizenship rights and states deployed their efforts to mobilize female constituencies. At the heart of this â€Å"civic maternalism† was the belief that women– and in particular their biological and social function as mothers– had to be recognized, valued, and protected (Molyneux 2000).5 This was, in Nancy Folbre’s words, the â€Å"patriarchal trunk† onto which market reform was grafted, but which â€Å"continues to inï ¬â€šuence the shape of the tree† (Interviewed by Razavi 2011). A large body of literature has documented how struc tural adjustment increased the overall burden on women. Thus, where privatization and trade liberalization triggered a rise in male unemployment, women were pushed into (largely informal) paid employment to make up for lost wages. Meanwhile, retrenchment and commercialization of social services shifted more responsibilities for social provision to the domestic sphere, where the prevailing gender division of labor meant that women spent more time on unpaid reproductive work (BenerÄ ±a and Feldman 1992; Sparr 1994; and Elson 1995). In  ´ social protection systems, the move from risk sharing to individualization exacerbated already existing gender inequalities. By tightening the relationship between contributory patterns and pension beneï ¬ ts, market reforms effectively deepened male-breadwinner bias (Dion 2008). In health, private insurance companies were given plenty of rope for deï ¬ ning premiums based on gender-speciï ¬ c â€Å"risks†, such as pregnancy (Gideon 2006). As a result, the costs of biological and social repr oduction were further individualized and passed on to women. Paradoxically, maternalism remained a strong theme in the neoliberal era, at least at the level of public discourse (Molyneux 2000). In short, market reforms layered new gender inequalities onto the already existing legacies of maternalism and male-breadwinner bias. As a result, conservative elements exist alongside (neo)liberal elements in the contemporary welfare architecture of many Latin American countries. How are these legacies challenged or compounded by the current wave of policy innovations and reform? If the state is indeed assuming greater responsibility for social  provision, does this trend provide a more favorable context for redressing gender inequalities? More particularly, does it reï ¬â€šect a greater recognition and redistribution of the responsibilities for and costs of care and social reproduction? The existing literature suggests that there is far more continuity than change in gendered assumptions even as new social programs are being rolled out: Recent studies have argued, for example, that new social programs have paid scant, if any, attention to the underlying structures of gender inequality in labor markets and households (Razavi 2007); that economic and social policies continue to place the burden of social reproduction on families (read: women); that the particular design of social programs tends to reinforce traditional gender roles without providing long-term strategies for women’s economic security through job training or childcare provision (Molyneux 2007; Tabbush 2009); and that new social policies increase social control and surveillance of mothers’ child-rearing behavior and performance (Luccisano and Wall 2009). Feminist research on CCTs, in particular, has tended to stress the persistence of maternalist orientations (e.g., Molyneux 2007; Bradshaw 2008; Tabbush 2009). This literature has been central for understanding the gendered nature of â€Å"new† social policies in the region and much remains to be learned about the actual diversity of  ´ these programs (MartÄ ±nez Franzoni and Voorend 2009) and their impact on women from different ethnic groups (Hernandez 2011;  ´ Rivera 2011). Analytically, however, the focus on a single scheme is insufï ¬ cient to assess the processes through which women’s productive and reproductive roles, social rights, and obligations are currently being (re)deï ¬ ned. Several Latin American countries are experimenting with other social policies alongside the much-cited CCTs, including the introduction of full-day schooling, the expansion of ECEC services, maternity/parental leave reforms, and the introduction of child-rearing credits in recent pension reforms. In each of these areas, equity-oriented reformers struggle with the legacies of maternalism and male-breadwinner bias, on the one hand, and the (ideological and de-facto) importance of markets, on the other hand. I argue that these struggles shape reform processes and outcomes in ways that are more complex and contradictory than the existing literature on CCTs suggests. The following analysis of Chilean social policy sets out to unravel some of these complexities by looking at the recent reforms in pensions, childcare, and leave regulations. Implicit in this approach is an understanding of the state as a concept that helps to contextualize present political conï ¬â€šicts and policy processes (Hay and Lister 2006). In other words, previously enacted policies, institutional choices, and strategic interactions constitute a â€Å"strategically selective terrain† (Jessop 1990, 203) that structures present political conï ¬â€šict, rendering it more conducive to some  demands than others. While not determining their behavior, the ensemble of institutions and policy frameworks that comprise the state offer opportunities to and impose constraints on, the political agency of those wishing to effect policy change. The three legacies outlined above form part of the institutional landscape of the state. As such, they are shown to play a signiï ¬ cant role in current attempts of reform and policy innovation. While these legacies constitute the main focus of this paper, they are by no means the only factor that shape change and continuity in Chilean social policy. In fact, sector-speciï ¬ c actors, partisan politics, and particular political contingencies come into play to differing degrees. Furthermore, the continuity and deepening of an economic model based on trade openness, macroeconomic stability, monetary, and ï ¬ scal discipline and ï ¬â€šexible employment, forms the backdrop against which more expansive social policies have emerged as a response to persistent inequality. However, the full meaning of recent reforms cannot be understood without taking into account the gender-speciï ¬ c legacies in each sector.  (En)gendering Change and Continuity: Recent reforms in Chile Chile is a particularly intriguing case for analyzing continuity and change in social policy. On the one hand, it is often portrayed as the country where neoliberal principles have most profoundly transformed economic, social, and political institutions (Kurtz 1999; Filgueira and Filgueira 2002). While radical market reforms were carried out under the aegis of a military dictatorship (1973–1989), many of the model’s features were maintained with the return to democracy. Consequently, the country’s policy framework is often represented as particularly resistant to equity-oriented change. On the other hand, Chile combines market liberalism with social conservatism—two features that conventional welfare regime analysis tends to locate in different clusters (the conservative and the liberal variant, respectively). Female labor force participation is among the lowest in the region (ECLAC 2008), the country’s welfare regime has been described as inherently â€Å"gender biased† (Pribble 2006, 86), and conservative social norms  regarding women’s role in the family loom large (Contreras and Plaza 2010).6 Despite this rather unfavorable context, recent reforms suggest that these frameworks are not carved in stone. Since the early 2000 s efforts to expand social protection, to improve access to and quality  of social services and to strengthen social rights have featured prominently on the country’s social agenda, leading some to argue that Chile may be approaching a â€Å"point of inï ¬â€šection† (Illanes and Riesco 2007, 406). The following sections shed light on the complex and contradictory ways in which the triple legacy of maternalism, male-breadwinner bias, and market reform is addressed by recent reforms in pensions (adopted in 2008), childcare services (signiï ¬ cantly expanded since 2006), and maternity leave (reformed in 2011). Before delving more deeply into the developments in each sector, it is necessary to brieï ¬â€šy describe the broader economic and political context since the country’s return to democracy in 1990. Context of Recent Reforms and Policy Innovations The return to democracy did not entail a drastic transformation of the institutional foundations of economic and social policy inherited from the military regime (Moulian 2002; Taylor 2003; Borzutzky 2010). In fact, in macroeconomic terms the center-left party coalition Concertacion that governed the country from 1990  ´ to 2010 validated and deepened the neoliberal model based on trade openness, macroeconomic stability, monetary and ï ¬ scal discipline and ï ¬â€šexible employment. To offset some of its worst effects, social spending increased steadily which, together with economic growth and employment creation, dramatically reduced absolute poverty from 38.6 percent in 1990 to 13.7 percent in 2006 (ECLAC 2008), although it did relatively little to improve income distribution or lessen social inequalities and fragmentation in education, health, and social protection (Solimano 2009). Explanations for this continuity are manifold, including the formidable constraints placed on  the autonomy of the ï ¬ rst Concertacion governments by authoritarian enclaves in the political  ´ system that granted right-wing political opposition important veto powers; the resistance of business interests whose power increased as a result of market reforms; the weakness of other civil society actors, particularly labor; a political culture eager to avoid the kind of political confrontation that preceded the military coup; and the adoption of market-oriented ideas by key decision makers within the centerleft coalition itself (e.g. Kurtz 2003; Castiglioni 2005; Borzutzky and Weeks 2010; Ewig and Kay 2011). The result of this complex and contradictory process has been described as a Chilean â€Å"Third Way† characterized by an â€Å"unwavering commitment to trade liberalization and privatization despite considerable public opposition† and a â€Å"predisposition to a policy process that discourages participation by civil society and rank-and-ï ¬ le party members, while affording business access to the  highest reaches of government† (Sandbrook et al. 2007, 164–65). This set-up makes some policy areas more amenable to equity-enhancing reforms and innovations than others. As the economic model rests upon a ï ¬â€šexible and restrictive labor regime (Frank 2004), social policy is largely conï ¬ ned to enhancing workers’ ability to compete on the market and to mitigating some of the worst risks that unregulated and precarious employment entails. This goes a long way to explain why the two socialist-led governments of Ricardo Lagos (2000–2006) and Michelle Bachelet (2006–2010) spearheaded health reform, pension reform and childcare service expansion in order to enhance equity, while shying away from reforms related to the country’s labor market where many of the fundamental social inequalities originate. While the  Bachelet administration’s employment policy and labor relations have been described as disappointing, (Lopez 2009;  ´ Sehnbruch 2009), it did turn social protection into a key priority. The concept ual pillars of her strategy included a life-course approach to social protection and the attempt to introduce a rights-based perspective (Hardy 2011). The latter materialized in a gradual lifting of budgetary restrictions on social assistance7 and the progressive relaxation of eligibility requirements for accessing a range of beneï ¬ ts. The life-course approach, in turn, is captured in repeatedly stated commitments to create equal opportunities and protect citizens â€Å"from the cradle to old age†. Tellingly, its translation into policy focused on the two extremes of the life course, namely the reform of the pension system and Chile Crece Contigo, an integrated early childhood protection system that included the massive expansion of childcare services. The working-age population remained caught in the middle with persistently low employment quality, including a high level of job instability and the limited reach of employment-based rights and beneï ¬ ts, a scenario that disproportionately affects women workers (Sehnbruch 2009). 8 Thus, the attempt to square greater equity and social inclusion with an open economy inï ¬â€šuenced the scope and locus of policy change during the Bachelet administration. While acquiring greater visibility, social protection remained subordinate to macroeconomic goals, including those related to employment, understood as not interfering with job creation through greater regulation and rights for workers. In this context, it is particularly surprising that a highly controversial employment-related reform was introduced under the new right-wing government of Sebastian Pinera (2010) which, in ËÅ"  ´ 2011, expanded (women) workers’ rights through a reform of maternity leave regulations.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Green Technology Essay

There are many things in this world that are ever evolving in technology, from vehicles, television, cell phones, and even green technology. Some of us might not be too familiar with green; however, most people use green technology without even knowing the difference. The following will address questions concerning green technology. 1. What is green technology? 2. What advantages and disadvantages does green technology have? 3. What are the important focuses of green technology? 4. How can Green technology can be profitable? 5. What are the important facts about green technology? 6. What is the future of going green? This is a review of green technology which focuses on these six questions. What is green technology? According to the articleshub. org (2009) the term â€Å"technology† refers to the application of knowledge for practical purposes the field of â€Å"green technology† encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products. What advantages and disadvantages does green technology have? The advantage of using green energy sources is that it is clean so it does not emit anything harmful into the air which has an impact on the environment. It is also renewable which means we will never run out of it unlike oil which is expected to dry up in a decade or so. (Elise, M. , 2010) Disadvantage of green energy source is the amount of produce electricity, how much it can generate is not consistent. This is because we have no control of the weather so if a certain area relies on solar energy and there is a weather disturbance, it will not be able to convert sunlight into electricity. Another disadvantage is the fact that some of the green energy sources cannot be installed in certain areas of the planet. For instance, wave energy can only be utilized if the waves coming from the ocean reach at least 16 feet. The use geothermal energy can only be done in geologically unstable parts of the planet. (Elise, M. , 2010) What are the important focuses of green technology? The most important focus of green technology is changing the production and waste patterns This method is the process of throwing out old methods of production and waste that harm the environment, and creating new ones that produce the same result. Another important part of green technology is innovation. Nvudev. org, 2012) Nvudev. org (2012) stated â€Å"there is new innovative and alternative technology that does not harmfully affect the environment or its people. Another important part of green technology is energy. Energy is another important part of green technology. Energy is a resource that powers the world. Whenever we find new sources of energy and new ways to distribute that energy is important to the future of the human race. Another focus of this technology is ensuring that products produced are re-usable in the future†. Nvudev. rg (2012) believes â€Å"Green technology is important because the methods the planet uses now are depleting our o-zone. Think of green technology as taking the planet earth back a couple of centuries, when a simpler form of survival existed. Technology like this can only be beneficial to the planet. Green technology is the new wave of today’s society. To ensure that planet earth still exist one hundred years from now, education in â€Å"going green† is essential. The key to this type of technology and way of life is making it sustainable for everyone over a long period of time. New methods and ideas will be needed to create a world free of hazardous procedures that humans use too readily to survive†. Elise M. (2010) stated â€Å"Green technology is a system that incorporates the new and innovative methods and materials used to create more environmentally friendly cleaning products. The expectation with technology like this is to change the daily habitual habits of society. Green technology focuses on household cleaning products, waste, inventions, clothing, energy sources, etc. Many focus points make technology like this sustainable†. How can Green technology can be profitable? According to (Schoof, 2012) Green Technology can be profitable. â€Å"The United Nation in a large institutional investors meeting at a conference stated climate change is a risk to avoid and also the opportunity to make good return on investments. The investors, who control more than $20 trillion worldwide, are looking at climate change from a business perspective even as Washington steers clear of the issue. Clean energy investments worldwide grew 5 percent in 2011 over 2010, despite financial turmoil in Europe and a wobbly economy in the U. S. , according to a report released†. Global clean-energy investments reached $260 billion in 2011, about five times more than the $50 billion in 2005, according to a Bloomberg New Energy Finance report. (Schoof, 2012). In the US, only 7% of green energy sources are used nationally. This was much higher 11 years ago. We have to invest more in this clean green energy technology. We can get it from green energy sources such as biomass, biodiesel, geothermal, solar, water and the wind. These are things we have all around us and all it takes is for someone to harness it instead of relying on traditional non-renewable means to produce energy. Schoof (2012) believes â€Å"Globally, solar attracted much more investment than any other source of renewable energy. GE invested $5 billion in research and development in clean energy and efficiency technology. If solar energy is being used and the sun is covered, the emergency generators will be activated and use up the energy that was stored from previously sunny days†. According to the green technology and global market (2012) BCC Research predicts that the global market for energy-efficient technologies will grow at an aggregated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9. % for the 5-year forecast period of 2010-2015, from $200 billion in 2010 to $311. 7 billion by 2015, compared to $331 billion for renewable energy. What are the important facts about using green? By using green energy, wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, those sorts of things, those are what we call different types of green energy because they are non I’m going to call them non-invasive because they do not disrupt our environment, they actually help to improve it by not creating CO2 emissions and that’s where were going. If wind turbines need more space, they can be installed near the coast instead of putting these on land. (Elise M. , 2010) According to Elise, M. (2010) a study shows that you can generate more electricity while these are placed out in the ocean water. In fact, research is ongoing to try and harness other means to generate the power we need. Power is generated by harnessing the different temperatures in the water. It is currently being used on a small scale both in Japan and Hawaii however if may have a lot promise. There are different types of green energy. Green energy is directly related to green energy resources. One of the green energy resources alternative resource, alternative energy renewable is hydroelectric or hydropower, simply water being used to generate electricity. Solar has been used on a small scale for decades. Today solar is now use on a large scale for homes, industry, and buildings. (Young, 2009) Green technology is a system that incorporates the new and innovative methods and materials used to create more environmentally friendly cleaning products. The expectation with technology like this is to change the daily habitual habits of society. Green technology focuses on household cleaning products, waste, inventions, clothing, energy sources, etc. Many focus points make technology like this sustainable. (nvudev. org, 2012) In order for green technology to have an impact on the environment for the long term it must be sustainable for everyone every day. Sustainability refers to the use of new technologies in a way that will not harm the planet. Green technology researches new ways to use our natural resources without depleting them, and without making it harder for future generations to survive. (nvudev. rg, 2012) What is the future of going green? Technology like solar power and the use of new fossil fuels play a huge part in energy efficiency. Perhaps the most innovative section of green technology is green nanotechnology. This technology refers to the use of both green chemistry and green engineering to perfect the whole notion of going green. If solar energy is being used and the sun is covered, the emergency generators will be activated and use up the energy that was stored from previously sunny days. (Elise, 2010) The future concerning green computers have taken technology to the next level. Green computers are considered environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly. This system of green computers consists of energy efficiency, cost, recycling ability, and environmental sustainability. That’s a lot of energy to use for such a little task. Many companies are working on new and innovative ways to improve computer technology. This is known as green computers. (nvudev. org, 2012) Companies like Dell, Microsoft, Asus, and Gateway are all turning to green computers for the 21 century. The most efficient green computer out of these is the Asus EEE, then the Dell. The dell green computer is already ready for distribution in large numbers. Green computers are smaller, more energy efficient and recycle ready. (nvudev. org, 2012) In my conclusion I have learn that Green Technology is based on the premise that businesses have a responsibility to satisfy human needs and desires while preserving the integrity of the natural environment. There are significant indications that environmental issues will grow in importance over the coming years. Long-term sustainability of the planet is likely to require some rather distinct changes in the ethical behavior of its human population. In the short term finding new ways to incorporate technology and carry on exchanges with greater concern for environmental goods and services offer particular promise. Green Technology and the promotion of responsible consumption are part of that solution. There are many things in this world that are ever evolving in technology, from vehicles, television, cell phones, and even green technology. Some of us might not be too familiar with green; however, most people use green technology without even knowing the difference.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How has Baz Luhrman used sound effects to appeal to a younger audience?

Baz Luhrman uses sound, music and speech to have an exiting and appealing effect on a younger audience. It helps us identify the characters, the Montague's and Capulets, because we get a sense that these two groups are totally different and have a conflicting style of music to acquaint them. The various sounds effects used to help us, the audience, see the Montague's ‘Boyz' as cowardly and spineless and the music that they are listening too ‘The boys the boys†¦' tells us that they are young boys not men this is reflected through their music. Whereas the sound effects with the Capulets are more bullying and sinister. Baz Luhrman helps the young audience judge clearly between these two gangs, and the music and SFX help the audience create a personal impression of them. The Montague's are childish, juvenile, and loud, use toilet humour and are trying to be noticed; the Capulets comparison to the Montague's are powerful, forceful, skilled fighters and are feared like criminals. At the start of the film Baz Luhrman has used a female newsreader. The newsreader is serious, straight – faced and straight to the point. It seems like a normal day to day news bulletin; also the background of the newsroom is a dark and sinister colour. Straight after that we hear the same monologue but it's a male voice over. The voice over has a serious deep gravely voice also Irish, this, to the audience makes you want to listen more. As the voice over reads it much slower we can hear it clearer and as it's the second time being read out we can understand what they are actually saying. While the voice over is speaking the audience can see continuous images being fired at the screen with key words from the monologue. Baz Luhrman has used sound and image to help us, the young viewers, understand Shakespeare's language by being bombarded by sound and imagery. You can read also Audience Adaptation Paper The sound also creates tension, when the music is at a high pitch. We can hear high pitched voices, as if there were angles looking down or looking over what is happening. The voices could also represent what's happening, as the two gangs are at war. The use of the helicopter sounds gives us a wider impression of what maybe happening, for example, war, fighting, battles and the landscapes. The Capulets are introduced by their own music. Their music has a sense of western; the viewers also get to hear the roar of their engine as it starts up. The audience is in anticipation when the fighting starts, it seems like the two gangs are waiting for a showdown, all is quite and the viewers are left waiting in fear for the first gun shot. The Montague's are like ‘boy racers' they really want to be noticed. They do this by shouting out, having their music turned up full blast. They use a lot of toilet humour as well as making gestures to the nuns. They live in this care free world where nothing else matters excepted them messing around ‘boys playing with their toys'.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Operations Management - Essay Example They make every endeavor to guarantee that their products are both secure for delicate use and do not exceedingly tax the upbringing. Nokia is a trusted name and they take that trust very gravely. In the end, a firm pledge to the setting makes good business sagacity. By behind sustainable development, they diminish risk, guarantee lawful fulfillment and endorse long-term monetary escalation. Of course it is our operation to scuttle a profitable and mounting business, but that doesn't mean business at any cost (Barney,J. 2001, 99-120). Globalization And Trans Four issues have been operation through much of Nokia's environmental exertion in the past few years and will prolong to do so over the pending years. They are the limits on the use of definite substances, the provision for the take-back and recycling of end-of-life products, and energy and textile effectiveness (Basevi,G. 2000, 330-337). As a foremost company in its industry, Nokia desires to participate its full part in the management of these issues in a liable approach in teamwork with all pertinent stakeholders. Nokia has also continued to make ecological issues as part of every Nokia employee's daily work by growing their environmental alertness. Nokia's constant long-term plan is to recover the ecological presentation of its products in a life cycle viewpoint. In product formation, as well as in its own behavior, the key areas for incessant enhancement are vigor and equipment effectiveness. Goals And Current Mission According to the assessment report published in 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) affirmed that the earth's ambiance system has evidently tainted on both global and district balance since the pre-industrial era and that some of these... This paper stress that the straight groups are Customer and Marketing Operations and Technology Platforms. The Nokia mobiles are intended to tender a wide variety of business users elastic access to Oracle Collaboration Suite, via text message, browser, or over-the-air harmonization of calendar and speak to in rank. The effect is endeavor mobility that is both influential and reasonable, enabling IT departments to offer omnipresent admittance to in sequence athwart their organization. This report makes a conclusion that the IPCC notes that while small climate changes can assistance some regions, the larger the changes and the rate of change, the more the difficult ecological and socio-economic belongings outweigh. These include improved threats to human health, hazard of annihilation of some exposed species, diminish in crop yields, exacerbated water shortages, and harsh social and financial injure to small islands and low-lying coastal areas. According to the IPCC, emissions of CO2 due to fossil fuel ablaze are practically definite to be the foremost sway on the tendency of atmospheric CO2 absorption during the 21st century. Stabilization of CO2 emissions at near-current level will not escort to stabilization of CO2 impressive focus. To attain that, global CO2 net emissions require to be totally abridged from the current level. The main objective for diminution is the use of fossil fuels.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sex and Gender with Dr. Chantal Tetreault Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sex and Gender with Dr. Chantal Tetreault - Essay Example Therefore, they subordinate men in almost all activities. So, the community expects them to be hardworking, loving and patient so that they can do their chores without any constraints. There exit a difference between sex and gender (Martin). In my own understanding, sex may be used to refer to either male or female. Therefore, people can be categorized as man or woman and boy or girl depending on the sex (Martin). Sex can also be used to categorize the functions of gender. Men can perform hard work for they have the muscles and the stamina while women are supposed to perform light chores (Martin). The readings have challenged me in that it has made me understand that women do a lot of work than men. Women therefore contribute much in the production of goods and services compared to men. The reading material has given an example of the Betsileo women in Madagascar who usually invest about a third of the hours invested in rice production in addition to their daily customary tasks (Gender: Exploring Culture Diversity). Separate genders have come out of the customary tasks to do what is considered as culturally bad. These activities range from leadership to other noble tasks. For example, the Williams sisters; Serena William and Vienna William have greatly been praised for their sport and have developed many agendas contributing to the positive focus on gender sensitivity in countries where they do put bars between men and

Response for Vygotsky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response for Vygotsky - Essay Example Vygotsky suggests that Piaget is using adult thinking to solve a child’s actual thought process. Both views have merit to a degree, but Vygotsky’s view can help expand a child’s education from what is to what can be. The zone of proximal development is the ability of the child to mimic or learn through group intervention. The zone of proximal development is the abilities the child can be taught. Vygotsky feels that the child should be judged on the level of zone proximal development. Vygotsky gave an example about two children being on the same level in actual development, but having a different zone of proximal development. Vygotsky asserts that children having a different zone of proximal development will not experience the same level of actual development. Piaget does not agree with the zone of proximal development, but rather asserts that the test of actual development is the level a child should be judged by. Piaget feels current tests of actual development are the true measure of the child’s ability. Vygotsky’s method contends that the zone of proximal development is not just potential. For example, a child might mimic a simple behavior that they can grasp like a simple math problem. However, if an advanced mathematics was introduced, no matter how many times demonstrated, the child would not pick up the skill. The zone of proximal development is what a child can achieve with help, not impossible tasks beyond their level of development. The zone of proximal development leads to actual development according to Vygotsky. His point of view is tests like Piaget uses only test the actual development, not the actual ability to develop or the rate of development. Learning and development are never on an equal basis. The development is either before or after learning. The two are not parallel in relation to each other. Vygotsky also pointed out that animals do not have a zone of proximal

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


ANALYSIS OF SEX OFFENDER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES - Research Paper Example ing of various legislations such as the Jacob Wetterling Act, which mandated sex offender registration, the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (AWA), which elevated failure to register as a federal crime, the Megan’s Law, the collective name of state and local legislations requiring notification of communities of convicted sex offenders residing in their area, and the Jessica Lunsford Act, which introduced tighter monitoring of sex offenders through, among others, the wearing of electronic tracking device (Harris & Lobanov-Rostovsky 2009 3; Nieto & Jung 2006 7-8; Yung 120-121). More than 100 sex laws were passed in various states all over the country to contain and deter sex offenders in 2005 alone, collectively resulting in the registration of more than half a million sex offenders, with more than 60,000 to 70,000 additional registrants, on the average, per year (Boyd 2008 220). Nevertheless, these laws and measures are not without controversy. Residency restriction laws and civil commitment of violent sexual predators currently emerged as two of the most hotly debated issues relative on anti-child sex offending measures. Residency restriction laws imposed on sex offenders are generally of two types: Child Safety Zone, and; Distance Marker. The first type prohibits sex offenders from entering a specific radius of areas where potential victims often congregate. The second type, commonly called residency restriction law, involves total proscription of sex offenders from establishing residency within a certain radius of such protected zones (Nieto & Jung 2006 15; DeLisi & Conis 2007 281). On the other hand, civil commitment refers to the legal process by which a person, alleged to be suffering from mental disorder, may be ordered confined by the state even without consent. The confinement may be in a hospital for psychiatric treatment, in a â€Å"secure treatment facility or in a locked unit of a nursing home.† Its legal underpinnings are: parens patriae,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trafficking and Prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Trafficking and Prostitution - Essay Example Slogans like â€Å"personal or political† not only helped in showing expression about women inequality in daily experiences but such analysis opened the entirety of personal life to a political analysis, so that, logically, major emphases within feminism were issues of sexuality and intimate relationships. (Irvine, 1990, p. 136) Despite over two decades of an international women’s movement, feminist debates upon prostitutes never end. Though feminists have been successful in providing an account of this dilemma that has categorized the debate in two broad categories, ‘free sex’ and ‘forced sex’ but how such an all-purpose dilemma which is problematic at every instance can fulfil the deviant that is played in many societies? The outcome of such ‘feminist’ perspective is nothing but that the end of the moral career being subjected to extraordinary public regulations. Situations aftermath end up in ghettoization, arrest, jail or prison sentencing, fines, ridicule, shaming, shunning, and deportation. Additionally, prostitutes are frequently the victims of violent crime raped and beaten by clients or pimps and murdered by unknown serial killers. Feminist philosophy is a subject which has acquired much attention in the past decades regarding speculative arguments and practical politics. It is us who create and visualize differences, differences based upon characters and differences that emerge as if woman is entitled to a separate class. Despite these differences, feminist philosophers are able to gather and unite woman in a single perspective which in the vision of a philosophical mind is free of the misogyny and male bias that have characterized so much of Western philosophical tradition. Feminist philosophy’s challenge to this tradition has been the challenge of repairing the distortions, centring the marginalization, and valorizing what were once considered the trivial, if not invisible, facets of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Primus Sales Force Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Primus Sales Force Case Study - Essay Example ases, the participant might not have received enough correct communication from their supervisor, colleagues or even their customers; however, one is left with the overarching question of what constitutes the right amount of communication. The question did not perform what the result indicated. The consequence was that participants had no idea what they were being ranked by or because misled by phony or inaccurate contents of the question. Otherwise, the question did not give enough information to define the alignment of correct versus incorrect. Due to the fact that different people would have their own judgment or personal value to treat similar issues, without a proper and well-explained definition about the right amount as the standard, every participant would make their own definition to consider about the right amount for them. As a result, the incorrect feedback only wasted valuable time and created corresponding costs. This ultimately led to the failure of the survey. Accordi ng to Baldwin & Garvey, â€Å"The essential information necessary to obtain a correct solution in these subtasks was comprised of four attributes. The communications were scored according to the presence of explicit encoding of this information† (1973, p. 44). If participants could not encode the information clearly, they did not get the correct information they should get. Hence they could not give the correct feedback from the survey questions. From the survey questions, the main focus was with regards to the attitudes that the respondents had. By seeking to engage this metric, the researchers were mostly interested in measuring the impact on attitudes and behaviors that were reflected on the employees after the survey questions. For example, a level of useful information for the sales work from company magazines and intranet portals was provided a level of importance as compared to the communication for the employees’ sales and level of satisfaction from communication within

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reasons for Travel Essay Example for Free

Reasons for Travel Essay More and more people all over the world prefer to spend their holidays travelling. Rich or poor, old or young, they strive to leave the place where they live or work, and move to another spot of our planet — at least for two to four weeks a year. They travel to cities and towns, mountains and lakes, across oceans and seas. There are several reasons why the popularity of travel and tourism is growing. The first one is educational value of travelling. Man has always moved from one place to another in search of knowledge. Even now, in the age of technology and global communication, travelling to a different region or country can help discover new ideas, technologies and inventions. The best way of studying geography is travelling, the best way to help you master a foreign language is travelling, too. Moreover, a special kind of tourism has developed, called educational tourism when people travel to study a foreign language or to take up a course in one or several other subjects. The second reason why people travel is entertainment and rest. To see great buildings and natural wonders, listen to national music, get some knowledge about traditions and ways of different countries, taste new cuisine gives us new emotions, helps drive away the stress. Thirdly, there are special reasons. A lot of new types of travelling have appeared like ecotourism, educational tourism, sports tourism. A lot of people travel on business. Now, with the growth of international trade people have a lot of chances to do business with foreign partners, and they do it willingly. Some people have additional reasons to like travelling. When travelling, they do sports, or take care of their health, or get new contacts.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Comparing Organization and Behavior between Nestle and HSBC

Comparing Organization and Behavior between Nestle and HSBC Nestle was found in 1866 by Hentri Nestle.Sales for 2009 were CHF 108 bn.Number of employees around 280000 people and have factories almost every country in the world.The companys priority is to bring the best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are,whatever their needs throughout their lives.The companys strategy is guided by several fundamental principles. Today Nestle present different markets in different main brands. -coffee,ice-cream,other beverages like Milo,diary-shelf stable nestle,dairy-chilled nestle, infant nutrition,performance nutrition, healthcare-nutrition, soups,sause(pasta,seasoning), frozen foods, refrigerated products, chocolate,confectionary and biscuits. Introduction to the HSBC- Hong-kong and Shanghal Banking Corporation (HSBC) is a public limited company that is headquarted in London, England.The HSBC was founded in Hong-kong,china but was force to move to London in 1992.It is the largest banking group in the world. It has many locations world-wide. Chester Barnard(1938) defined an organization as a system of co-operative human activities.Organizational behaviour is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals and groups act in organizations.The organizations base rests on managements philosophy,Values,vision and goals.The culture determines the types of leadership, communication and group dynamics within the organization.The workers perceive this as the quality of work life which directs their degree of motivation.The final outcome are performance,individual satisfaction and personal growth and development. All these elements combine to build the model or frame work that the organization operates from. . Organizational structure According Stoner et al., (1995; 315) organization structure refers to The way in which an organizations activities are divided, organized and co-ordinated. Therefore the structure of an organization establishes how work is allocated and controlled;how people and activities are grouped together;and the channels through which authority and communication are distributed within the organization Both HSBC and Nestle organizations have formal organizational structures.the objective is to survive,maximize their profits and to expand their business.The strategic management enables to achieve competitive advantage and competitive position in global market.The formal organization structure helps to achieve many objectives. To link individuals in an established network of relationships To group together the task required to fulfill the objectives of the organization as a whole, and to allocated them to suitable individuals for groups To allocated individuals or groups the authority they required to perform their functions as well as the responsibility to account for their supervisors This creates a hierarchy of command,whereby authority flows downward from senior to each level of the organization To enable the flow of work,information and other resources through the organization via clear lines of co-operation and communication. There are many factors which in influences the structure of organization. 1. Organizations size- as an organization gets larger its structure gets more complex.Therefore specification and subdivision are required.Both HSBC and Nestle are global organizations.They are very large in size. 2. Organizations task- the nature of its work.Nestle is a nutrition,helth and wellness company and HSBC is one of the largest financial and banking services industries in the global environment. 3. Organizations staff the skills and abilities of staff will determine how the work is structured and the degree of supervision required.The staff of the Nestle is much larger than HSBC because in HSBC most of the things are automated.but in Nestle most of the work has to be done by human. 4. Legal, commercial, technical and social environment of organization- both are legal and technology is very high.And both companies related to people in two ways. In an organizational structure span of control is another important thing.That means the number of subordinate immediately reporting to a superior official.Nestle have narrow span of control because it has a large number of levels of management hierarchy and HSBC have a wide span of control because it has a small number of hierarchical levels.Other important thing is decision making.If the decisions making doing by the top levels of the organization it is called centralization and if it is doing throughout all levels of the organization then it is called decentralization.Nestle company believes strongly in decentralization.In the case of HSBC,also decentralized and all branches of it controlled by a central committee.But it also subdivided on national and domestic market. Both companies are departmentalized on functional basis.There are six functional departmentaion within Nestle; Marketing Finance Packaging Sales Research and development Administration Organizational culture Organizational culture varies from organization to organization.It is difficult to define organizational culture. Deal Kennedy., (1982;4) defined organizational culture as The way things get done around here and J.A Stoner,R.E Freeman D.R Gilbrert defined it as Organizational culture is the set of important understanding such as norms , values, attitudes and beliefs shared by organizational members. Culture of an organization depends on the management style and organizational structures that are used.It could be; 1. Role culture-This tells how rules and regulations associated with employees and it is best suited for hierarchy organizational structure. 2. Task culture-This encourage the people to work as a team. 3. Power culture-This is in matrix structure and it is based on one dominant. 4. Person culture-This s based on person in the organization to help and support in their work HSBC have an effective strong organizational culture.As a part of this the management has initiated localization policies which are opened for most higher levels within operating to nationals that enables the company to top high-quality employee from different part of world.Within the organization culture of HSBC it is highly regarded for work-ethic endorsement.This involves the careful screening of employee with the necessary skills and high potential for improvement. Nestle have a organizational culture which vary from country to country because it is a food related organization.Nestle has good values; It also commitment to a strong work,ethics,integrity,honesty and quality. The personal relationships are based specialy on trust and mutual repect.This implies sociable attitude towards others. Pride in contributing to the performance of the company. Effect of structure and culture on business performance The relationship between organizational culture and structure is an important.But it is difficult to distinguish from one another.They are very much intertwined.Peter F Druker, a prominent writer of management,politics,economy and society(1995;190) highlighted organization structure is an indispensable means and the wrong structure will seriously impair business performance and may even destroy it Thus success or failure of out come of the organization depends on organizational structure. How management works,which specific responsibilities supervisors have,How a complaint is passed through the ranks all these issues within the organizational culture that are directly tied to how an organizational structure works. The degree to which tasks in the organization are subdivided into separate jobs( work specialization ) help to makes efficient use of employee skills and it will increases employee skills through repetition.Also wider spans of management increases organizational efficiency. Departmentalization of organization also helps to give efficient work and facilitates group work. The effect of the organizational culture are depending on whether the company has a strong culture or a weak culture.Therefore a strong organization culture will help take everyone more efficient and successful.If the members in the organization accept the core values and commit to those values, then the culture in that organization is strong when the culture is strong it will then influence on the behaviour of its members as a whole.This influence the behaviour of everyone within the organization. Strong cultures not only have a great impact on the behaviour of employees but also have a positive effect on the performance of the organization.Therefore strong culture lead organizations towards high performance and success. Approaches to management Organizations are comprised of managers and operatives.Operatives work directly on the work they have been assigned and are not responsible to oversee the work of others.But managers are responsible for the activities of others to ensure that things are going on as planned.The functions of management traditionally include;planning,organizing, commanding,co-ordinatng and control.But Managers job can not defined exactly. The structure of HSBC provide more efficient management over the whole organization.The management decisions within the organization are more flexible.Also as a part of strategic management HSBC has also been able to constantly stock of its workforce and assess their performance in exciting job.The managers of HSBC also given extensive development and training. In Nestle the members at management level are more concerned with continuously adding value to the company than exercising formal authority.The managers of Nestle should be able to motivate and develop people using their own techniques and openminded as well as a high level of interest in other cultures and life styles. Effectiveness of Leadership Leadership is an important factor to a group or an organization to make it effective.Management and Leadership are interchangeable.Leadership can be identified as the process of attempt to direct and fore others to achieve objective or objectives of the groups or organizations. Leadership styles are illustrates by theories of leadership.Leadership styles can be defined as the way in which the functions of leadership are carried out the way in which the leader typically behaves towards members of the group or the organization.In other words leader styles are the patterns of behaviours which a leader adopts in influencing behaviour of his/ her followers.The different styles of leadership are; Autocratic leadership style Democratic leadership style Laissez fair leadership style Autocratic or authoritarian style Under this leadership styles all decision making powers are centralized in the leader.They do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates.It provide strong motivation to the manager.It permits quick decision making as only one person decides for the whole group and keeps each decision to himself until he feels it is needed to be shared with the rest of the group. Participative or democratic style This can be seen as the opposite of the autocratic leadership style.In this style group functions as a whole and there are number of interoperations.That means the functions of leadership are divided among members of the group or the members of the organization.They win the co0operation of their group and can motivate them effectively and positively. Laissez-fair or free rein style In this the leader assumes that all members of the group or the organization will perform well.Such leader allows maximum freedom to subordinates. Therefore the leader dose not interfere to the works of the members.But if the members need any help, the leader provides the necessary assistance.This is different from a situation where the leader is not considering about his functions and trying to avoid problem situations. The effectiveness of the above leadership styles may different from one situation to another situation.The success of a leader is measured by output or productivity of the group they lead but success is not effectiveness.If the subordinate follows the leader because of his position power,the leader is successful but not effective.The leader leads to a successful response and subordinate does the job because it is personally rewarding, it can be seen that the leader has not only positional power but also personal power.Then subordinates respect the leader and they are willing to compare realizing that the leaders request is consistent with some personal goal.Then it can be identified that the leader is effective. The factors affecting leadership effectiveness. The characteristics of leader Personality,attitudes,value system of the leader The relationship between leader and the group Characteristics of subordinates/group members The nature of the work organization Relationship among subordinates/group members Motivation and Motivational Theories A work place has members of group and the group has to achieve an objective or objectives.Thus the objectives or objectives can be achieved by the combined effort of its group members.For this effort to achieve objective or objectives efficiently and effectively,motivation of the group members should be there.Therefore it is necessary to know how to motivate group members of workplace.There are different theories of motivation attempted to explain the nature of motivation.These theories show that there are many motives that influence peoples behaviour. There are four theories of motivation; Maslows Hierachy of Needs Theory Herzbergs Two Factor Theory Alderfers Modified Needs Theory McClellands Achievement Motivation Theory 1. Maslows Hierachy of Needs Theory This motivation theory developed by Abraham Maslow and according to him people is being with needs and what they want depends on what they already have.He suggests that human needs are arranged in a series of levels depicting a hierarchy of importance.That is why theory is called as hierarchy of needs theory. Self- Actualization Need Esteem Need Love Need Safety Needs Physiological Needs Pyramidal diagram for Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Needs- In this need people try to satisfy their basic need for food, shelter and clothing.In work place if a person is paid enough salary to maintain above needs then employee engage with work willingly. Safety Needs-When physiological needs satisfied to reasonable level next important level is safety need.If they satisfied with safety needs people can be motivated by introducing pension schemes and by introducing projects for labour safety. Love Needs-Then they expect love and affection.When a leader know that such need to be prevailing within members of his/her workplace,the leader can be used following strategies. Providing opportunities for group entertainment Put them to work in groups Let them to more with groups in which they have affection Esteem Needs-At this level employee are concern with self respect,self confidence,a feeling of personal worth feelings of being unique and recognition.Here motivation can be exercised by providing positional status,appreciating,giving awards etc. Self-Actualization Needs-This is the highest need and it is the need to minimize ones potential,whatever it may be.Here the individual can be motivated by maximizing the benefits provided to the person earlier in line with personal goals. 2. Herzbergs Two Factor Theory Herzberg identified that there were two sets of factors affecting motivation and work.He introduced these factors as hygiene factor and motivators. Hygiene/Maintenance factor- Herzberg identified pay,job security,status, work environment,rules and regulations,nature of interpersonal relations and personal esteems as hygiene factors.By this factor dissatisfaction will be able to eliminate because this factor is related job context and they concerned with job environment and extrinsic to the job itself. Motivators/Growth factor- Herzberg identified recognition,responsibility,room for development and work place as motivator factors.It will lead to motivate employees.That means motivators are serve to motivation individual to superior effort and high level of performance.These are related to job content of the work itself. In a work place according to this theory by providing hygiene factors dissatisfaction of the employees can be removed and by providing motivators,employees can be kept satisfied. 3. Alderfers Modified Needs Theory This theory was introduced by Alderferand by this theory he condensed five levels of needs as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory into three levels of core needs.They are; Existence Relatedness Growth Maslows Hierachy of Needs Theory Alderfers Modified Needs Hierachy Teory Physiological Needs Esistence Needs Safety needs Relatedness Needs Love Needs Esteem Needs Growth Needs Self-Actualization Needs Relationship between Maslows hierarchy of needs theory and Alderfers modified needs hierarchy theory According to the Alderfers modified needs hierarchy theory an individual is motivated to safety,one or more basic sets of needs.Therefore if a persons needs at a particular level are blocked then attention should be focused on the satisfaction of needs at the other levels 4.McClellands Achievement Motivation Theory This theory was presented by McClellands and colleagues and they identified three main arousal based and socially developed motives.They are; Needs for Affiliation Needs for Power Needs for Achievement In this theory they identified the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationship as needs for affiliation.The need to make others behave in a way that they would not behave otherwise was identified the derive to excel to achieve in relation to set of standards and to strive to succeed as needs for achievement. Ho Individual behaviour at work H However relative intensity of afflation; power and achievement motives varies among individuals Mc Celland and his colleagues identified 3 common characteristics among people with high achievement needs.These characteristics were ; 1. The preferences for personal responsibility 2. The setting of moderate goals 3. The desire for concrete feedback In a work place to achieve goal efficiently the setting of moderate gal is important because the task should be easy to achieve with a little challenge and feed back is necessary for self evaluation.Feedback enables to determine success or failure in the accomplishment of their goals and to derive satisfaction from their activities. In an organizations individuals/members are another important element.Within an organization the social system includes all the people in it and their relationship to each other and to the outside world.The behaviour of an individual can have an impact either directly or indirectly on the behaviour of others.The major factors which influence individual behaviour at work is as follows; Demographicfactors-Those are socio-economic background, education, nationality,age,sex etc..Normally organization prefer persons that belong to good socio-economic background,well educated and young person than others because they believe that they high work performances. Ability and skills-Ability can be defined as the individual can do and skill can be defined as the ability to act in a way to perform well.Therefore individual behaviour is highly influence by the abilities and skills to give a good performance. Personality-This can be defined as the characteristics of an individuals thoughts,feelings and behaviours.Heredity,family,society,culture and situation are factors which influence personality.It helps individuals in directing their effort and motivating them for achieving of the organizational goal. Attitude-The other most important factor is attitude of an individual.It can be defined as a tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to certain states. Three basic components are containing in attitudes. They are; Knowledge and beliefs -Feelings and desire Volition and will Perception-This can be defined as the psychological process by which incoming data are selected and organized into patterns which are meaningful to the individual. Group behaviour within an organization A group can be defined as a collection of individuals to achieve a common goal/task.The members of the group are depending on each other Groups have become the core unit in many organizations.The group can be small or large to form a group there must be more than two individuals but there is no specific limit for the maximum number.It depend on the objective of the group.In an organization there are rules an regulations which control the activities of group.Also group influence their members attitudes and behaviour.Therefore groups are inseparable from organization.Group help to increase organization stability and it facilitate changes in organization procedures and policies.Therefore there is important impact of groups on organizational effectiveness. Group dynamics describe about group formation,norms, decision making,contributing. Therefore it shows how a group should be organized,operated and conducted.It is a set of techniques. Teamwork is very important in an organization to achieve its goals.An effective team always have clear team goals that encourage team members to replace priority of individual goals with that of team one Also there should be effective team leader who can motivate team members even in difficult situation. Effective teamwork can be archived through effective team building and teamwork is always beneficial for organizations.Teamwork increases flexibility and speed of the work because one task s is done by more than one individual with deferent skills. Stephen R. Covey define teams in organizations as An empowered organizations is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success. .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Interactive Video Delivery Services

Interactive Video Delivery Services Video-On-Demand Interactive Services Interactive video delivery services are a fundamental change in the TV interface  paradigm. They shift the delivery paradigm from carrying many simultaneous parallel  streams (channels) to one that carries concurrent accesses through separate channels into a  database. Traditionally, in a broadcast TV system, many stations broadcast their programs  simultaneously and the user selects a specific channel to view. As a result, a user is  restricted to a chronology of parallel and competing programming whereas, an interactive  system makes all programming available to its users without this restriction. There is no  temporal restriction. All programming becomes available any time to the user. Types of Interactive Services Based on the amount of interactivity allowed (adapted from [4]), interactive services can be classified into several categories. The user is a passive participant and has no control over the session in broadcast (No-VOD) services that are similar to broadcast TV. The user signs up and pays for specific programming, similar to existing CATV PPV services in pay-per-view (PPV) services. The users are grouped based on a threshold of interest in quasi video-on-demand (Q-VOD) services. By switching to a different group, users can perform rudimentary temporal control activities. The functions like forward and reverse are simulated by transitions in discrete time intervals (on the order of 5 minutes) in near video-on-demand (N-VOD) services. The multiple channels with the same programming skewed in time [5, 15] can provide this capability. The user has complete control over the session presentation in true video-on-demand (T-VOD) services. The user has full-function VCR (virtual VCR) capabilities including forward and reverse play, freeze, and random positioning. For T-VOD, only a single channel is necessary; multiple channels become redundant. Technological Inhibitors There are other inhibiting issues to the ubiquitous deployment of interactive multimedia applications than just technological issues. In the digital environment, information is readily copied, reproduced, and altered, jeopardizing the established markets of the information providers. To convince an information provider to accept an all-digital system, certain incentives like mechanisms like encryption to protect intellectual property rights – that will maintain their data and thus help them stay in business are needed. (The Internet does not copy data, people copy data.) System Components for Video-on-Demand 5A detailed analysis of these issues is beyond the scope of this paper. An interesting survey of the  intellectual property rights problem has been provided by Samuelson [14]. Hundreds (if not thousands) of users with different viewing preferences will access a VOD system simultaneously. The quality of each session must remain within specified bounds to achieve customer satisfaction. This ensures the quality of the system. We will survey the individual technologies in the context of an end-to-end architecture for a VOD system. A typical VOD scenario contains a local database and server connected to user homes  via a communications network. The user home consists of a network interface coupled to a  display [4]. The user interacts with the system via a mouse or a computer keyboard. Fig. 2 illustrates this architecture. user interface and display high-speed backbone local database local server home viewer network interface multimedia archive and distributor multimedia archive Figure 2: A Simple VOD Architecture Management of System Resources in VOD We identified some of the technical problems in designing a VOD system in the previous sections. A VOD system is required to support a large customer population and many movie titles. Most existing prototypes are constricted to laboratory or office environments and support at most a few hundred users and up to a hundred movies. Large scale commercial systems  should need to more closely match the per-user resource requirements and usage patterns to  achieve economic feasibility. In this section, we look over some of these problems and discuss  existing research in this area. Resource Reservation One of the fundamental problems in developing a VOD system is one of storage and network I/O  bandwidth management. The VOD system possesses a finite amount of resources measured in  terms of storage I/O and communication bandwidths. As various customers compete for the same  system resources, efficient schemes that ensure fairness of allocation have to be designed. The service provider wants to generate the maximum revenue from the offered services. A  balance between these two often opposing requirements is necessary to tap the potential  benefits of the system. The first step to solve this problem is the development of an  accurate system model. We use the model proposed in Fig 2 as the basis for the remainder  of this discussion. The end-to-end VOD system comprises of three basic components; the storage server,  the network, and the user interface. The metadata server provides an additional level of  complexity to the system model. The time dependency of continuous media requires the  VOD system to ensure that the data transmission mechanism can provide for strict deadlines.   If these deadlines are missed, it is possible for the quality of the session to degrade. To ensure customer satisfaction, resources should be reserved along the entire data path of a connection on a per-session basis. The complexity of the resource reservation mechanism depends on the  application under consideration. Interactive services need the resource reservation to be made per-session along the entire data path, including at the source. A crucial factor which is affecting resource reservation is Quality-of-Service (QOS). The common interpretation of QOS is from a network perspective rather than a user or customer perspective. A more suitable view makes use of the two perspectives and yields two QOS characterizations (we can call them delivery quality and system QOS). A present  challenge is to identify the mapping from delivery quality to system QOS for a range of  system design parameters (e.g., data compression and network switching modes). User Traffic Characterization Although customers access the VOD system randomly, having a priori knowledge about  user access patterns can lead to a more efficient design. The system can make use of this information to manage network and storage bandwidths. As an example, if the traffic characteristics indicate that a movie is popular at a particular site, the system can replicate the movie locally to increase availability. The access pattern of users to the system will not be uniform over a given  24 hour period. Typically, one would expect the load to be low to moderate during the  daytime and to increase gradually through the evening and decrease again during the night. A hypothetical graph characterizing the access to a VOD database for a 24 hour period  is shown in Fig. 4. The access to the database is high during the evening hours, peaks at  around 9:00 PM, and is low-to-moderate during the day. This access pattern can be used for  designing schemes for various considerations like resource management; to update popularity tables, redistribute data, and reconfigure the system during off-peak hours. 0 5 10 15 20 time-of-day database-load Figure 4: A Schematic Daily-Access Model for a VOD System Similar models can be implemented and maintained for different geographical regions, movie categories, and individual titles. Such models are able to accommodate the differences in programming choices (e.g., children’s movies are more popular during the early evening hours) of different user groups. However, the complexity of these models, and their tractability is still to be established. Load Balancing An issue related directly to resource reservation is load balancing. The load balancing of VOD can be viewed as a combination of two sub-problems (i) The movie-storage  allocation problem and (ii) the resource location and connection establishment mechanism. Even though these problems are solved more easily individually, they are not independent  with respect to performance. From the perspective of a generic interactive  system, solving these issues is an open problem; however, simplifications can yield tractable solutions. As an example, if one assumes that a VOD system supports only stored data; i.e., movies  have to be digitized and stored before they can become available online, then the data  characteristics of a movie are well known in advance (e.g., the system has a priori knowledge  about the average bandwidth, burst rates, burst durations, etc.). This knowledge once available, can be used to simplify the design process. Making use of the metadata mechanism as described in Section 3 simplifies the task of management by decoupling the storage problem from the location problem.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ancient Egypt :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ancient Egypt was a very important time in our time period. They had their own way of life. Egyptians had their own writing, burials, government, religion, cooking, and games. They were educated people with many talents. They were good with their hands and brains. Ancient Egyptians were a magnificent race of people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ancient Egyptians called their country Kemet, which means â€Å"Black Land.† The dark soil from the Nile River was very fertile. The Nile overflowed at the same time every year, leaving farmers with very fertile soil. The Nile provided much needed water for their crops during the dry season by using their irrigation system. The Nile River also provided the Egyptians with drinking water, and a way for them to travel, allowing them to explore and trade. In addition, the desert around the river was called â€Å"Red Land† by the Egyptians. This is where they lived, grew and prospered. The desert provided much gold for the Egyptians to trade with other countries or to keep for themselves. They brought back silver from Syria, cedar wood, oils, and horses from Lebanon, copper from Cyprus, gems from Afghanistan, ebony, wood, and ivory from Africa, and incense from Punt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Egyptians cherished family life the way we cherish food or money. Children were considered a blessing. They prayed for them and used magic to have children, but if a couple could not conceive they adopted. Men were the head of the household and the oldest son inherited everything of the father’s.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Egyptian women were to obey their fathers and husbands, but were equal in many other ways. For example, women could have jobs, some rights in court cases, and they were able to own land. Women were also allowed to own businesses. Only noble women, however, could be priestesses. The women raised the children and took care of the house. Wealthy families would hire maids and nannies to do such things. Divorce was not common in Ancient Egypt, though it was an option. Problems were talked about between families, and if they could not be settled a divorce would take place. Some women became rulers but only in secret. The only woman who ruled as a phara oh in the open was Queen Hatsheput. Ordinary men normally had one wife, while pharaohs and kings had several. Most marriages were arranged by parents. Most girls married at age twelve while boys were usually a little older.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Consequences of Peoples Obsession with Physical Appearances Essay

In this essay, I will compare people that are obsessed with physical appearance and appearances. It is not strange for individuals to worry about physical appearance. In fact, we could argue that we are living in a culture that weighs the most up-to-date trends or newest fashions more heavily than more pressing issues that affects society. As a result, many people become obsessed with their physical appearance in order to keep up with trends and fashions. People pay too much attention to appearance, it is important in some situations and the general population seems to put more of their focus on how good someone looks or what the newest trends are, instead of concentrating on greater issues at hand, which are often not discussed. For instance, there are problems with our health care system but many people have a greater knowledge of what is going on with the death of Michael Jackson. In our society where image and presentation is everything, it is impossible not to care about our appearance. We find ways to beautify ourselves, such as not eating properly which leads to anor...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lab Report: Proving that energy is conserved within a system

This Is defined by Hooker's Law shown below. F ? -xx The law of conservation of energy is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in an isolated system is constant over time. This means that the only thing that can happen to energy in a closed system is that it can change from one form to another. In this experiment energy changes from elastic potential energy to kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy. Some energy is also lost due to friction which creates heat and sound during the experiment.Initial = Final Eek + Pep gravitational I + Pep spring + E thermal I = Kef+ Pep gravitational f + Pep bring f + E thermal f + Neon- conservative This equation clearly shows the energy transfer during the experiment Including the energy lost In non-conservative forms such as heat and sound. Basic energy formulae were also used In this experiment In order to calculate energy as it changes form . Eek- move Pep gravitational MGM very important as it is used a wide variety of physical applications. It is especially relevant and applicable in situations which there is little to no friction, such as in astrophysics.Energy and applied forces can be calculated in order to accurately determine values seen in the equations above. Method: The equipment was set up as indicated in figurer . The track was placed at such a gradient where the cart would not reach the top of the track or come to close to the censor after pushed by the compressed spring. It should also be noted that the gradient of the slope remained constant throughout both experiments. The readings were zeroed and data was then collected by the censors and graphed on the program Logger Pro.Figure 1: Experimental setup For the first experiment, the cart was released from different heights on the ramp ND measurements of the force and compression of the spring were taken in order to be able to calculate the spring constant . For the second experiment the spring on the cart was compressed and the cart is placed then released using a hard object such as a ruler. The spring then pushed the cart up the track and the censors took the reading of the force, displacement, velocity and acceleration needed in order to calculate the energy as it changed form in the system.Results: Measurements for finding the spring constant of the spring x = displacement of spring from equilibrium position. F = force applied by the spring on the cart. K = the spring constant of the spring. Table 1 : Measured displacement of the spring and force applied by the spring and the calculated spring constant results. The uncertainties for the displacement and the force were chosen because of the accuracy of the censors and the ruler respectively. The uncertainty of the spring constant was calculated by halving the range of the results.Measurements for finding the total energy during the second experiment Value Symbol Result Initial Com pression of Spring 0. 033 Ð’Â ± 0. 001 m SF 0. 018Ð’Â ±0. 001 m Velocity as cart leaves spring I 0. 75Ð’Â ±0. 05 runs-l Velocity Just before collision if 0. 69 Ð’Â ± 0. 05 runs-l Max distance traveled Adam 0. 661 Ð’Â ± 0. 005 m Position at random point DRP 0. 198Ð’Â ±0. 005 m Velocity at random point Table 2: Velocity and distance measurements taken by the censors in order to prove conservation of energy. The uncertainties for the each of the results were chosen because of the accuracy of the censors respectively.Analysis: Finding the spring constant of the spring To find the spring constant we use Hooker's Law (F = -xx). The negative sign shows that the spring is being compressed and can be ignored in this case. For the first value: x = 0. 010Ð’Â ±0. 001 m and 5. 7 Ð’Â ± 0. 3 = 570 ram-I This process was then repeated for each data value and then the average of the results was found to be 598 Nm-l. The uncertainty for the spring constant was calculat ed by halving the range of the values which was found to be Ð’Â ± 28. 5 Nm-l . This gives the final value for the spring constant of the spring to be 598 Ð’Â ± 28. 5 Nm-l .Conservation of Energy Graph 1, 2,3: These graphs shows the carts velocity and position and well as the force exerted in the spring by the cart as it moves up and down the slanted track. Using he results found in Table 2, the elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy can be calculated at six points during the experiment. These points are; before the spring is released, Just after the cart loses contact, at the during the first collision, and at some point between the release and collision points above. Before the spring is released all the energy is stored as elastic potential energy in the spring.This can be easily calculated using the spring constant and the displacement of the spring. K = experimentally measured spring constant = 598 Nm-l . = initial compression of the spring = 0. 33 m Just after the cart loses contact with the spring, we can assume that all of the elastic potential energy has been converted into purely kinetic energy. Kinetic energy can be calculated using the mass and velocity of the cart. M = mass of cart = 0. 521 keg v = velocity as cart leaves spring = 0. 75 ms-l At the top of the slope the cart has stopped as the energy has been converted into purely gravitational potential energy.This can be calculated using the mass and height of the cart as well as gravity. G = acceleration due to gravity = 9. 81 ms-2 = maximum height = 0. 036 m The maximum height of the cart was found by first calculating the angle of the slop using trigonometry. = 3. 130 This angle was then used with the maximum distance traveled value to calculate the maximum height. Just before the spring hits the bottom again the energy is again kinetic. This can again be calculated using the mass and velocity of the cart. At a chosen point part way up the slope the total energy will be the kinetic energy at that point plus the potential energy at the point.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Changes in Packaging over the Years Essay

Packaging is generally crumpled, creased, folded, bundled, binned, shredded, sorted, sometimes recycled, and often cast aside. Whether the protective material is corrugate, Styrofoam peanuts, or sealed air, consumers are largely indifferent, only the product nestled inside matters. Consumers are not alone. Packaging rarely receives the attention demand planning, materials sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and return logistics enjoy. For some manufacturers, however, product packaging has redeeming value. Ensuring customers receive what they order in mint condition and at minimal cost is the mark of a well- thought-out strategy. Packaging of fruits and vegetables is undertaken primarily to assemble the production in convenient units for marketing and distribution. In my opinion, fruits and vegetables should be taken care of the most when it comes to packaging. They are very rich source of minerals and vitamins and people depend on them for many benefits so packagin g can definitely affect it. The increased production of fruits and vegetables and other agricultural production will be fully realized only when they reach the consumer in good condition and at a reasonable price. The present packaging systems for fresh vegetables is unscientific. Uses of traditional forms of packages like bamboo baskets are still prevalent. Other types of packages generally used are wooden boxes and gunnysacks. Use of corrugated fiber board boxes is limited. Baskets besides being unhygienic also do not allow adequate aeration and convenience of easy handling and stocking. Better packaging should be of immediate value in reducing waste; for example edible packaging which can be eaten after using. Milk packaging has had a good recycling rate in the past, with glass bottles having the ability to be reused up to 40 times before needing to be recycled. The majority of milk being sold through supermarkets where a variety of packaging formats have been used including Tetra Pak cartons and low density polyethylene plastic milk containers but the latest method of packaging is using plastic bags. The co-operative launched eco-pouches aimed at environmentally conscious customers who were trying to reduce the plastic garbage. As the initial response was positive, the milk bag was awarded the ‘Best New Product’ at the 2008 Green Business Awards. However, due to poor demand for the milk bags a lot of milk remained  unsold, resulting in losses to the company so they stopped selling milk in eco pouches. While plastic milk cartons were declared to be recycled successfully, estimates suggested only one in four was recycled. It’s now purchased in 1L bags to fit a reusable plastic jug, which must be purchased separately. The jug can fit into any refrigerator door and can store 75 empty eco-packs. Once the bag is placed in the jug, a corner is snipped off with scissors and when the bag is empty it can be recycled. Plastic furniture gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. People realized that it has a lot of advantages over wooden furniture. They are tough and durable, anti corrosive, light weight, maintenance free, and they have a better pleasing appearance. However, Plastic doors are not suitable for entry doors as they are of very light weight and not weather proof as wooden or metal doors are. Cardboard is a heavy paper-like material. There is still not complete and uniform usage. Often the term â€Å"cardboard† is avoided because it does not define any particular material. The first corrugated cardboard box manufactured in the USA was in 1895. By the early 1900s, wooden crates and boxes were being replaced by corrugated paper shipping cartons and these are the well-known cardboard boxes we all know and use today. Plastic bags differ in many ways such that if a consumer only uses a conventional HDPE plastic bag just once (say to carry their groceries home before throwing the bag away), a paper bag would have to be reused 3 times, a heavy-duty plastic bag made from Low-Density Polyethylene would have to be used 4 times, a plastic â€Å"bag-for-life† made of non-woven Polypropylene would have to be used 11 times, and a cotton (or canvas) bag would need to be re-used 131 times. With that as a reference, a cotton/cloth canvas bag user does over twice the damage to the environment that a plastic bag using grocery shopper who throws away every plastic bag they get immediately after each shopping trip, as they will likely have to replace their more environmentally destructive bag at least once long before they reach 131 uses. When companies have conditions such as high volume shipments, worker safety, or ergonomic issues, they may be in good positions to take advantage of the savings by using Reusable Packaging. Reusable Packaging benefits include direct savings in packaging purchase and disposal as a result of repeated reuse. Higher initial purchase price translates into  a lower cost per trip through repeated reuse. Other economic benefits can come through productivity gains where reusable packaging better addresses the needs of the work process, such as through design for better parts presentation. Reusable packaging is also associated with better protection of parts and reduced damage. Pyramids made of (natural materials) wooden and fiberglass have been used to understand this energy. Square and octagonal shapes of pyramids with different sizes have been used in this study in an attempt to analyze preservation of milk kept under the pyramids for a period of 14 days. Some of the bacteria that grow in milk were counted by repeated sampling of milk covered by the pyramids and compared with a milk sample kept without a pyramid. Individual bacterial counts and total bacterial plate counts were obtained and the results tabulated. Pyramids made of natural materials have shown better energies than synthetic materials. Pyramids are a source of an unknown form of energy, which has unique capabilities of preservation. Nowadays, the difference between products are getting less and less so competition is getting more and more which forces companies to compete on something other than the product itself. That is when Packaging comes in the picture. If almost all of the products are the same, I, as a consumer, will pick my product depending on how it will benefit me later on. If a glass is reusable, it will most likely be the one I pick.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Theme of “Counterparts”

Alcoholism is the main theme in â€Å"Counterparts†, we are introduces to Farrington, a legal clerk, who is verbally abused by his authoritarian boss, Mr. Alleyne, has given a demanding deadline to make a copy of a contract. It is made clear early on in the story that Farrington has a long desire for a drink and shortly after returning to complete his paper work is taunted by the music, and laughter coming from the local bar nearby, therefore, Ferrington sneaks out for a glass of porter.Upon his return, the chief clerk tells him that Mr. Alleyne, in need of the paperwork for the a case,and has been looking for him. Farrington delivers the files, hoping that his boss won’t notice that the last two letters are not complete. After Farrington returns to his desk, knowing full and well he will have missed his deadline because he will not be able to complete copying the contract on time, he begins dreaming of spending the night pub crawling, then suddenly interrupted by a ver y upset Mr.Alleyne who yells at him in about the missing letters screams â€Å"do you think me an utter fool? † when Farrington gives him a pertinent response, Mr. Alleyne demands an apology which embarrasses Farrington and makes him more miserable. Later on, Farrington hopes to get the company cashier alone so he can borrow money against his wages, but there's no hope and the only way he can get money for his carouse is to pawn his watch, for which he gets six shillings.He meets his buddies Davy Byrne, O' Halloran and Paddy Leonard and falsely tells them that he was able to trick his boss. They buy rounds of drinks and Higgins comes in and adds glorious embellishments to Farrington's run-in with Alleyne. After numerous drinks, they take off for the Scotch House where they meet young Weathers, an acrobat and an artist. They continue to drink and after this bar closes they continue on to Mulligan's, where a woman catches Farrington's eye then rebuffs him.Then he becomes surly and starts bemoaning his sorry, impoverished life. He thinks of how he has spent his money on drinks and how young Weathers drinks more than he buys. The night continues in typical drunken raucousness and arm wrestling until Farrington, angry now, accuses Weathers of cheating when he is defeated Farrington's anger continues to mount on his way home: â€Å"a very sullen man stood on the corner of O'Connell Bridge,† and once again he regrets pawning his watch, especially since (he thinks) he isn't even drunk .His reputation as a mighty man has been lost to young Weathers: â€Å"he had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy† and his â€Å"heart swelled with fury†. When he enters his home he finds a cold dinner. Tom, one of his five children, tells him his wife is at church and Farrington orders the boy to heat his dinner. Little Tom obeys but Farrington notices the fire has gone out, chases the boy and beats him brutally with a stick despite the child's pleading cries for mercy: â€Å"Don't beat me, Pa!I'll say a Hail Mary for you pa, if you don't beat me† . The clearest example of this theme is in â€Å"Counterparts,† where the main character, Farrington, can think of nothing other than how to get drunk. He jeopardizes his career and spends all his money on alcohol, briefly feeling like an important man while telling stories to his friends in the bar. However, the effects of heavy drinking catch up with him later in the evening, when he is out of money but is not drunk enough to forget his problems. He goes home and takes his disappointment by beating. Theme of â€Å"Counterparts† Alcoholism is the main theme in â€Å"Counterparts†, we are introduces to Farrington, a legal clerk, who is verbally abused by his authoritarian boss, Mr. Alleyne, has given a demanding deadline to make a copy of a contract. It is made clear early on in the story that Farrington has a long desire for a drink and shortly after returning to complete his paper work is taunted by the music, and laughter coming from the local bar nearby, therefore, Ferrington sneaks out for a glass of porter.Upon his return, the chief clerk tells him that Mr. Alleyne, in need of the paperwork for the a case,and has been looking for him. Farrington delivers the files, hoping that his boss won’t notice that the last two letters are not complete. After Farrington returns to his desk, knowing full and well he will have missed his deadline because he will not be able to complete copying the contract on time, he begins dreaming of spending the night pub crawling, then suddenly interrupted by a ver y upset Mr.Alleyne who yells at him in about the missing letters screams â€Å"do you think me an utter fool? † when Farrington gives him a pertinent response, Mr. Alleyne demands an apology which embarrasses Farrington and makes him more miserable. Later on, Farrington hopes to get the company cashier alone so he can borrow money against his wages, but there's no hope and the only way he can get money for his carouse is to pawn his watch, for which he gets six shillings.He meets his buddies Davy Byrne, O' Halloran and Paddy Leonard and falsely tells them that he was able to trick his boss. They buy rounds of drinks and Higgins comes in and adds glorious embellishments to Farrington's run-in with Alleyne. After numerous drinks, they take off for the Scotch House where they meet young Weathers, an acrobat and an artist. They continue to drink and after this bar closes they continue on to Mulligan's, where a woman catches Farrington's eye then rebuffs him.Then he becomes surly and starts bemoaning his sorry, impoverished life. He thinks of how he has spent his money on drinks and how young Weathers drinks more than he buys. The night continues in typical drunken raucousness and arm wrestling until Farrington, angry now, accuses Weathers of cheating when he is defeated Farrington's anger continues to mount on his way home: â€Å"a very sullen man stood on the corner of O'Connell Bridge,† and once again he regrets pawning his watch, especially since (he thinks) he isn't even drunk .His reputation as a mighty man has been lost to young Weathers: â€Å"he had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy† and his â€Å"heart swelled with fury†. When he enters his home he finds a cold dinner. Tom, one of his five children, tells him his wife is at church and Farrington orders the boy to heat his dinner. Little Tom obeys but Farrington notices the fire has gone out, chases the boy and beats him brutally with a stick despite the child's pleading cries for mercy: â€Å"Don't beat me, Pa!I'll say a Hail Mary for you pa, if you don't beat me† . The clearest example of this theme is in â€Å"Counterparts,† where the main character, Farrington, can think of nothing other than how to get drunk. He jeopardizes his career and spends all his money on alcohol, briefly feeling like an important man while telling stories to his friends in the bar. However, the effects of heavy drinking catch up with him later in the evening, when he is out of money but is not drunk enough to forget his problems. He goes home and takes his disappointment by beating.